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Friday, September 11, 2009

[Slashdot] Stories for 2009-09-12

Come join us in Columbus Ohio for the Ohio LinuxFest - 40 Years of UNIX
celebration. There on September 26, Dr Doug McIlroy, the genius behind C
and UNIX, will keynote. From netbooks to telephones, from high performance
clusters to the very webserver that uses: Linux is everywhere.
Be part of history. Free registration is on our website.

Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* Australian Researchers Demo Random Access Quantum Optical Memory
* Spotify Retreats To Invite-Only In UK
* Facebook Releases Open Source Web Server
* Google To Offer Micropayments To News Sites
* Apple Open Sources Grand Central Dispatch
* Oracle To Increase Investment In SPARC and Solaris
* Risk Aversion At Odds With Manned Space Exploration
* Creating a Quantum Superposition of Living Things
* Motorola Introduces Android Phones, Social Software
* A Tour of Taser HQ
* Scientists Levitate Mice for NASA
* EA Comes Under Fire for Shady PR Stunts
* Skype Kills Extras Program
* Panasonic 3D TV Does Not Disappoint
* Twitter Says Your Tweets Belong To You
* 18 Foot Multitouch Wall and New Multitouch Tech Hit the Streets
* IEEE Approves 802.11n Wi-Fi Standard
* Sneak Peak At Sun's SPARC Server Roadmap

| Australian Researchers Demo Random Access Quantum Optical Memory |
| from the blacker-than-a-dingo's-kidneys dept. |
| posted by timothy on Thursday September 10, @22:43 (Data Storage) |

nuur writes "Researchers at the Australian National University have
developed a new form of optical memory that allows [0]random access to
stored optical quantum information. Pulses of light are stored on a kind
of 'optical conveyor-belt' that is controlled with a magnetic field. By
manipulating the magnetic field, the conveyor-belt can be moved, allowing
the recall of any part of the stored optical information. The research is
[1]published in Nature." You'll probably know after reading the abstract
linked whether you'd be in the market to pay for the whole thing.

Discuss this story at:


| Spotify Retreats To Invite-Only In UK |
| from the spot-of-trouble dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 11, @01:55 (Media) |
| |

[0]Barence writes "Music streaming service Spotify has been forced to
enact tight restrictions on new members in the UK, and [1]revert back to
an invite-only system. The company has decided to take drastic action
following the release of its [2]iPhone and Android apps earlier this
week, which have created 'huge demand in the UK,' according to Spotify.
People who don't want to put their hand in their pocket and don't have
any friends can sign up to a waiting list instead."

Discuss this story at:


| Facebook Releases Open Source Web Server |
| from the what-is-this-facebook-you-speak-of dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 11, @05:08 (Programming) |

Dan Jones writes "Ah the irony. The week Facebook is being [0]asked to
cough up source code to satisfy an alleged patent infringement, [1]the
company releases an open source Web server. The Web server framework that
Facebook will offer as open source is called Tornado, was written in the
Python language and is designed for quickly processing thousands of
simultaneous connections. [2]Tornado is a core piece of infrastructure
that powers FriendFeed's real-time functionality, which Facebook
maintains. While Tornado is similar to existing Web-frameworks in Python,
it focuses on speed and handling large amounts of simultaneous traffic."

Discuss this story at:


| Google To Offer Micropayments To News Sites |
| from the much-much-nicer-than-a-horse-head dept. |
| posted by timothy on Friday September 11, @08:12 (Google) |

[0]CWmike writes "Google is promoting a payment system to the newspaper
industry that would [1]let Web surfers pay a small amount for individual
news stories, an idea that could help publishers struggling with the
impact of the Internet. The plans were revealed in a document Google
submitted to the Newspaper Association of America (NAA), which had
solicited ideas for how to monetize content online, a task some
publishers have had difficulty with. 'The idea is to allow viable
payments of a penny to several dollars by aggregating purchases across
merchants,' Google said in the document. Google said it had no specific
products to announce yet."

Discuss this story at:


| Apple Open Sources Grand Central Dispatch |
| from the waitin'-for-a-train dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday September 11, @09:01 (Programming) |

[0]bonch writes "Apple has [1]open sourced libdispatch, also known as
Grand Central Dispatch, which is technology in Snow Leopard that makes it
easier for developers to take advantage of multi-core parallelism. Kernel
support is not required, but performance optimizations Apple made for
supporting GCD are visible in [2]xnu. Block support in C is required and
is currently available in [3]LLVM (note that Apple has submitted their
implementation of C blocks for standardization)." Update: 09/11 15:32 GMT
by [4]KD : Drew McCormack has a post up speculating on [5]what Apple's
move means to Linux and other communities (but probably not Microsoft):
"...this is also very interesting for scientific developers. It may be
possible to parallelize code in the not too distant future using Grand
Central Dispatch, and run that code not only on Macs, but also on
clusters and supercomputers."

Discuss this story at:


| Oracle To Increase Investment In SPARC and Solaris |
| from the just-so's-you-know dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday September 11, @09:48 (Businesses) |

An anonymous reader writes "The Slashdot community has recently
[0]questioned what Oracle will do with Sun hardware if and when Oracle's
acquisition of Sun closes. And it seems that speculation about the future
of SPARC hardware has been common among Slashdot commenters for years.
That said, it seems newsworthy that Oracle is going out of their way with
some aggressive marketing directed at IBM to state clearly their plans to
[1]put more money than Sun does now into SPARC and Solaris." MySQL is not
mentioned in this ad, perhaps because (as Matt Asay speculates) the EU is
looking closely into that aspect of the proposed acquisition.

Discuss this story at:


| Risk Aversion At Odds With Manned Space Exploration |
| from the what-price-safety dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday September 11, @10:37 (NASA) |

Several readers including [0]tyghe!! sent in a Popular Mechanics piece
analyzing the Augustine Commission's [1]recommendations and NASA itself
in terms of a [2]persistent bias towards risk aversion, and arguing that
such a bias is fundamentally incompatible with the mission of opening a
new frontier. "Rand Simberg, a former aerospace engineer finds the report
a little too innocuous. In this analysis, Simberg asks, what happens when
we take the risk out of space travel? ... Aerospace pioneer Burt Rutan
said a few years ago that if we're not killing people, we're not pushing
hard enough. That might sound harsh to people outside the aerospace
community but, as Rutan knows, test pilots and astronauts are a breed of
people that willingly accepts certain risk in order to be part of great
endeavors. They're volunteers and they know what they're getting into."

Discuss this story at:


| Creating a Quantum Superposition of Living Things |
| from the wanted-dead-and-alive dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday September 11, @11:27 (Science) |

[0]KentuckyFC writes "Having created [1]quantum superpositions of
photons, atoms, and even molecules, scientists are currently preparing to
do the same for larger objects ��� namely viruses. The technique will
involve storing a virus in a vacuum and then cooling it to its
quantum-mechanical ground state in a microcavity. Zapping the virus with
a laser then leaves it in a superposition of its ground state and an
excited one. That's no easy task, however. The virus will have to survive
the vacuum, behave like a dielectric, and appear transparent to the laser
light, which would otherwise tear it apart. Now a group of researchers
has worked out that [2]several viruses look capable of surviving the
superposition process, including the common flu virus and the tobacco
mosaic virus. They point out that after creating the superposition,
scientists will be able to perform the Schrodinger's Cat experiment for
the first time, which should be fun (but less so for the virus)."

Discuss this story at:


| Motorola Introduces Android Phones, Social Software |
| from the all-thumbs dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Friday September 11, @12:18 (Cellphones) |

[0]ruphus13 was among the readers sending word of [1]Motorola's Android
handsets yesterday, along with a "socially aware" application layer
called MotoBlur. The Motorola Cliq is expected in a few weeks. T-Mobile
is Motorola's carrier partner in the US. A second Android phone will be
marketed in other countries under the name Dext. Reuters called the
[2]market's reaction to Motorola's announcement "muted." "Dr. Sanjay K.
Jha, Co-CEO of Motorola and CEO of the company's Mobile Devices division,
unveiled Motorola's Android platform play. ... Key to both of the phones,
and key to Motorola's overall Android strategy, is a new interface and
application layer called MotoBlur. It's focused on 'a single stream' for
social networking features, software updates, messages, syncing, e-mails,
videos, photos... The Cliq phone has a 5-megapixel camera, slide-out
keyboard, 24 frame-per-second video capabilities, GPS, a headphone jack,
an advanced browser from Google, integrated Exchange service, and Google
roaming services including Google voice search, access to maps, Google
calendar, and more. It also provides one-click access to Android Market
and the thousands of Android applications there."

Discuss this story at:


| A Tour of Taser HQ |
| from the don't-tase-me-bro dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday September 11, @13:04 (Technology) |
| |

Soychemist writes "Walk into the Taser headquarters in Scottsdale,
Arizona and it may seem like you are on an episode of Get Smart. The
foyer is like a fortress, with giant steel doors and biometric
identification systems. Inside, factory workers [0]meticulously assemble
the less-lethal weapons by hand and then put them through a battery of
safety tests. In addition to making pistol-shaped devices, the company
also produces the electronic equivalent of a claymore mine, which hurls
dozens of electrified needles at the push of a button and electronic
shotgun cartridges that deliver a powerful jolt."

Discuss this story at:


| Scientists Levitate Mice for NASA |
| from the best-easy-chair-ever dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday September 11, @13:57 (Medicine) |
| |

[0]sterlingda writes to tell us that scientists have built a
[1]mouse-levitating superconducting magnet, working on behalf of NASA to
study variable levels of gravity. The group hopes to ascertain what
physiological impacts prolonged exposure to microgravity might have.
"Repeated levitation tests showed the mice, even when not sedated, could
quickly acclimate to levitation inside the cage. After three or four
hours, the mice acted normally, including eating and drinking. The strong
magnetic fields did not seem to have any negative impacts on the mice in
the short term, and past studies have shown that rats did not suffer from
adverse effects after 10 weeks of strong, non-levitating magnetic

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| EA Comes Under Fire for Shady PR Stunts |
| from the reinforcing-bad-behavior dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday September 11, @14:48 (Games) |
| |

EA has come under heavy fire lately for some [0]deliberately shady PR
techniques. You can't argue with the result, however, that has pretty
much everyone (including us) talking about it. The question is: will
extensive discussion, and the resulting widespread anger that seems to
accompany it, actually help their game sales? Stunts have ranged from
their "win a date with a booth babe" contest to paying game site editors
a faux "bribe" to fit with their sin motif. "Outraged Christian bloggers,
complaining female and LGBT gamers, editors being sent checks made out
directly to them ��� all of this makes for delicious copy, and much of the
gnashing of teeth seems to be centered on the fact that the gaming press
continues to fall for the contrived controversy to give the company
exactly what it wants: coverage. The campaign has been childish, daring,
and borderline tasteless. Writing checks directly to game writers is
cheaper than advertising on a site, with a much better result."

Discuss this story at:


| Skype Kills Extras Program |
| from the who-needs-a-user-driven-community dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday September 11, @15:40 (Communications) |
| |

Several different sources are reporting that [0]Skype is shutting down
their "Extras" program. The program was designed to help developers
release third-party applications for the VoIP service. "Developers and
users will have some adjustment time, though. Skype won't certify any new
submissions, but it won't yank support for existing Extras either, that
is, until their certificates expire. You'll still be able to install
existing Extras through the Windows desktop client, and you'll still see
them featured in the Skype shop. Skype will also continue to maintain its
public API. Since many Skype Extras are sold to users as premium content,
the shut down also has a financial impact for profiting developers.
They'll have [...] until December 11, to continue using Skype Credit.
Developers will need to submit a final invoice by January 25th; after
that Skype will shutter its third-party shop."

Discuss this story at:


| Panasonic 3D TV Does Not Disappoint |
| from the do-it-without-the-glasses dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday September 11, @16:28 (Displays) |
| |

Engadget recently had a chance to try out [0]Panasonic's 3D demo rig,
and, aside from the goofy glasses, report some impressive results.
"Active shutter 3D technology once again did not fail to impress, though
large format action content like the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony
and action sports footage was far more impressive than the movie trailer.
The benefit of a picture where everything, regardless of distance from
the camera, is in focus is one of the biggest benefits 3D has going for
it and nothing makes that more apparent than video from a large stadium.
Aside from a few glitches from a pair of the glasses being low on battery
and flickering annoyingly throughout, the framerate was smooth and the
picture sharp, a marked difference from the jittery motion we witnessed
during JVC's 3D demo earlier in the day."

Discuss this story at:


| Twitter Says Your Tweets Belong To You |
| from the learning-from-other's-mistakes dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday September 11, @17:19 (The Internet) |
| |

[0]CWmike writes "Twitter has modified its terms of service to state
unequivocally that [1]messages posted belong to their authors and not to
the company. 'Twitter is allowed to "use, copy, reproduce, process,
adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute" your tweets
because that's what we do. However, they are your tweets and they belong
to you,' wrote Twitter co-founder Biz Stone in a blog post Thursday
[2]announcing the modifications. Twitter is still hammering out a set of
[3]guidelines for developers on the proper use of the company's API. What
do Twitterers think of the TOS changes? Barbara Krasnoff writes, '
[4]Twitter announces new ToS. Tweeters shrug,' noting that some
appreciated the company's transparency in contacting its users and
pointing out the changes that were being made."

Discuss this story at:


| 18 Foot Multitouch Wall and New Multitouch Tech Hit the Streets |
| from the multitouched-in-the-head dept. |
| posted by ScuttleMonkey on Friday September 11, @18:11 (Displays) |

[0]Danny writes to tell us that Obscura Digital has launched their
largest multitouch wall yet. [1]18 feet of multitouch surface is divided
to allow six simultaneous users, each with their own targeted audio. The
massive wall can handle 100 hi-res images and videos together in
real-time. Relatedly, Atmel recently announced the [2]release of their
"maXTouch" technology, which delivers a capacitive touchscreen that
boasts a refresh rate and signal-to-noise ratio that's 66% better than
their nearest competitor. Hopefully this means massive multitouch
surfaces will be coming into my home sooner rather than later.

Discuss this story at:


| IEEE Approves 802.11n Wi-Fi Standard |
| from the lightning-fast dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 11, @19:03 (Wireless Networking) |
| |

[0]alphadogg writes "The IEEE has finally [1]approved the 802.11n
high-throughput wireless LAN standard. Bruce Kraemer, the long-time
chairman of the 802.11n Task Group (part of the 802.11 Working Group,
which oversees the WLAN standards), has [2]sent out a notification to a
listserv for task group members, which includes a wide range of Wi-Fi
chip makers, software developers, and equipment vendors. A [3]press
release is available now as well. This process [4]began in 2002."

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| Sneak Peak At Sun's SPARC Server Roadmap |
| from the measuring-stick-for-oracle dept. |
| posted by Soulskill on Friday September 11, @19:57 (Sun Microsystems) |

The folks at The Register have gotten their hands on Sun's confidential
roadmap from June, which outlines [0]the company's plans for SPARC
product lines. The chart has some [1]basic technical details for the
UltraSPARC T-series and the SPARC64 line. The long-anticipated "Rock"
line is not mentioned. "We can expect a goosed SPARC64-VII+ chip any day
now, which will run at 2.88 GHz and which will be a four-core,
eight-threaded chip like its 'Jupiter' predecessor. This Jupiter+ chip is
implemented in the same 65 nanometer process as the Jupiter chip was, and
it is made by Fujitsu, a company that is in the process of outsourcing
its chip manufacturing to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. ...
not only has Sun cut back on the threads with [the 2010 UltraSPARC model,
codenamed Rainbow Falls], it has also cut back on the socket count,
keeping it at the same four sockets used by the T5440 server. And instead
of hitting something close to 2 GHz as it should be able to do as it
shifts from a 65 nanometer to a 45 nanometer process in the middle of
2010, Sun is only telling customers that it can boost clock speeds to
1.67 GHz with Rainbow Falls."

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