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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[Slashdot] Stories for 2011-10-04

Embracing and Empowering the Consumerization of IT
Employees������ selection and use of hardware and software platforms ������ made
independently from and without IT������s blessing ������ is becoming increasingly
common in organizations of all sizes. Learn the upside and downside of
this trend, as well as how to turn it into a competitive advantage.

Slashdot Daily Newsletter

In this issue:
* Theater Professor's <em>Firefly</em> Poster Declared Threatening
* Ask William Shatner Whatever You'd Like
* Judge Rules Boss's "Firing Contest" Created a Hostile Work Environment
* Patent Troll Says Anyone Using Wi-Fi Infringes
* Amazon Disables 3G Web Browsing For New 3G Kindle Touch
* Mass Piracy Lawsuits Come To Australia
* Verizon Challenges FCC's Net Neutrality Rules
* Sprint Bets Big On the iPhone
* Wiki Editor Helps Reveal Pre-9/11 CIA Mistakes
* Why Linux Is Good For Low-End Smartphones
* Facebook Files For a Patent To Track Its Users On Other Sites
* The Nine Circles of IT Hell
* Hitachi-LG Fined $21M For Price-Fixing Optical Drives
* Japan Re-Opens Some Towns Near Fukushima
* HTC Android Backdoor Leaks Private User Data
* Facebook Adds Malicious Link Protection
* New Close-Ups of Saturn's Geyser Moon
* 3 Share Nobel Prize In Medicine For Immune System Work
* World's Most Powerful Telescope Begins Search For Origin of the Universe
* Children Helped Decorate Prehistoric Caves of France
* BerliOS Software Repository Will Close At Year's End
* NASA, Google Award $1.35M For Ultra-Efficient Electric Aircraft
* Rhapsody To Acquire Napster
* UK To Get &pound;50m Graphene Research Hub
* Australia Reviews Tier-Two Software Patents

| Theater Professor's <em>Firefly</em> Poster Declared Threatening
| from the wait-until-they-find-out-about-reavers dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @09:47 (Censorship)
| with 505 comments

[0]ocean_soul writes "Probably because nothing more threatening was
happening and they need to prove their usefulness the school police at
University of Wisconsin-Stout decided a Firefly poster with the quote: "You
don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill
you, you'll be awake. You'll be facing me. And you'll be armed," was [1]a
threat to the safety on campus. Wasn't that a quote about not killing

Discuss this story at:


| Ask William Shatner Whatever You'd Like
| from the make-it-count dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday October 03, @14:05 (Movies)
| with 308 comments

He's Canadian, he's proven himself a successful comedic actor and writer,
[0]filmmaker, and [1]musician, but (no matter what else he does) in many
people's minds he will always be [2]James Tiberius Kirk, captain of the
USS Enterprise. Now, [3]William Shatner has agreed to answer your
questions. We'll pass on to him a selection of the best reader questions;
you might want to read up on [4]Shatner's official home page (and the
Wikipedia link above) to knock out some of the most obvious ones. We'll
pass on to him a selection of the best questions. Note: it's tempting to
pile them on, but please try to follow the [5]interview question
guidelines by posting one question per post ��� ask as many questions as
you'd like, though. Shatner is on vacation right now, but will work on
answering your questions when he gets back.

Discuss this story at:


| Judge Rules Boss's "Firing Contest" Created a Hostile Work Environment
| from the take-this-job-and-shove-it dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @14:16 (Businesses)
| with 257 comments

Branded the "boss from hell" by his employees, 57-year-old William Ernst
lost a court battle with ex-workers over unemployment benefits. An Iowa
judge has decided that [0]Ernst's "firing contest" memo wasn't the best
management strategy, saying, "The employer���s actions have clearly created
a hostile work environment by suggesting its employees turn on each other
for a minimal monetary prize. This was an intolerable and detrimental
work environment.��� The memo reads in part: "New Contest ��� Guess The Next
Cashier Who Will Be Fired!!! To win our game, write on a piece of paper
the name of the next cashier you believe will be fired. Write their name
[the person who will be fired], today's date, today's time, and your
name. Seal it in an envelope and give it to the manager to put in my

Discuss this story at:


| Patent Troll Says Anyone Using Wi-Fi Infringes
| from the good-luck-with-that dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @19:48 (Patents)
| with 224 comments

akahige sends this excerpt from an article at TechDirt: "The Patent
Examiner blog has the incredible story of Innovatio IP, a patent troll
that recently acquired a portfolio of patents that its lawyers (what, you
think there are any employees?) appear to believe [0]cover pretty much
any Wi-Fi implementation. They've been suing coffee shops, grocery
stores, restaurants and hotels first ��� including Caribou Coffee, Cosi,
Panera Bread Co, certain Marriotts, Best Westerns, Comfort Inns and more.
... The lawyer representing the company, Matthew McAndrews, seems to
imply that the company believes the patents cover everyone who has a home
Wi-Fi setup, but they [1]don't plan to go after such folks right now, for
'strategic' reasons."

Discuss this story at:


| Amazon Disables 3G Web Browsing For New 3G Kindle Touch
| from the subtle-nudge-toward-the-other-ones dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday October 03, @06:02 (Books)
| with 189 comments

destinyland writes "Amazon's going to [0]disable 3G web browsing on their
upcoming 'Kindle Touch 3G' ��� even though it was a prominent feature of
the last generation of Kindles. Amazon will still allow web browsing on
the Kindle Touch 3G using a local Wi-Fi connection, but it's one of many
unsettling details emerging from Amazon's announcement last week.
Apparently Amazon's cloud will now also include [1]a list of personal
documents that you're mailing to your Kindle. And the on-screen keyboard
for Amazon's bargain $79 Kindles won't be a touchscreen keyboard, so
users will have to nudge the controller repeatedly to gradually navigate
from one key to the next."

Discuss this story at:


| Mass Piracy Lawsuits Come To Australia
| from the america-exports-quite-a-bit-of-some-things dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday October 02, @22:54 (Piracy)
| with 181 comments

daria42 writes "Remember when the RIAA started sending tens of thousands
of letters to Americans who it had alleged had infringed copyright
online, trying to get them all to settle out of court? Yeah, good times.
Well that [0]style of mass-lawsuit has now arrived in Australia, courtesy
of a new company which dubs itself the 'Movie Rights Group.' The company
is currently seeking to obtain details of at least 9,000 Australians it
alleges has infringed copyright on one film, and it has a number of other
films in the pipeline. Sounds like a good time to know an IP lawyer."

Discuss this story at:


| Verizon Challenges FCC's Net Neutrality Rules
| from the lock-both-in-the-same-room dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday October 03, @08:10 (The Internet)
| with 170 comments

GovTechGuy writes "Verizon filed an appeal on Friday [0]asking a federal
court to strike down the FCC's net neutrality rules, which are scheduled
to take effect on November 20. A federal judge tossed the FCC's previous
attempt at enforcing net neutrality against Comcast last May, and more
legal challenges are expected in the coming days."

Discuss this story at:


| Sprint Bets Big On the iPhone
| from the over-a-barrel dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @17:33 (Iphone)
| with 153 comments

hazytodd was one of several readers to tip news of Sprint Nextel's plan
to grab a piece of the iPhone action in order to halt the company's
downward slide. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Sprint has
[0]committed to buying 30.5 million iPhones over the next five years
(summary of [1]paywalled WSJ story), which at retail rates works out to
roughly $20 billion. "To sell that many iPhones, Sprint would have to
double its rolls of contract customers, convert all of them to the Apple
device or a combination of the two." A separate rumor at Boy Genius
Report [2]suggests the iPhone 5 may be a Sprint exclusive until sometime
next year, with Verizon and AT&T getting the upgraded iPhone 4S until
then. Apple is holding an event to unveil the new phone tomorrow.

Discuss this story at:


| Wiki Editor Helps Reveal Pre-9/11 CIA Mistakes
| from the all-non-denial-denials dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @10:13 (Government)
| with 151 comments

An anonymous reader writes "Kevin Fenton was reading the Department of
Justice's 2004 [0] Inspector General report on pre-9/11 intelligence
failures. Parts of it didn't make sense to him, so he decided to add the
information in the report to Paul Thompson's 9/11 timeline at the
wiki-style website [1]History Commons. Eventually, Fenton's work led him
to uncover the identity of a CIA manager who ran the Bin Ladin unit
before 9/11, when agents there deliberately withheld information about
two 9/11 hijackers from the FBI. That manager was named Richard Earl Blee
and he is now the subject of a documentary by Ray Nowosielski and John
Duffy, of [2], who confirmed his identity using
techniques right out of the 70s film All the President's Men. Blee, along
with Cofer Black and George Tenet, have found the work disturbing enough
to release a [3]joint statement denying some of the allegations."

Discuss this story at:


| Why Linux Is Good For Low-End Smartphones
| from the i've-never-needed-more dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @12:41 (Cellphones)
| with 132 comments

[0]jfruhlinger writes "Nokia's announcement that it was [1]developing a
Linux distro for low-end smartphones, shortly after abandoning the
Linux-based Meego OS for Windows Phone 7, was a little puzzling. But it
actually makes good business sense in the smartphone world. While WP7
aims for the high end, there's a market for cheaper and less complex
phones that still beat boring old feature phones, especially in emerging
economies. And, unlike Symbian and the heavily tweaked Meego, [2]Linux
can be quickly and cheaply brought to market as a low-end smartphone OS."

Discuss this story at:


| Facebook Files For a Patent To Track Its Users On Other Sites
| from the right-hand-not-tracking-left-hand dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @14:47 (Facebook)
| with 108 comments

suraj.sun sends word that a recent Facebook patent application [0]details
specific methods for tracking its users while they're using other
websites. Michael Arrington [1]pointed out over the weekend that this
follows explicit statements from Facebook employees that the social
networking giant has "[2]no interest in tracking people." Quoting the
Patent Application: "In one embodiment, a method is described for
tracking information about the activities of users of a social networking
system while on another domain. The method includes maintaining a profile
for each of one or more users of the social networking system, each
profile identifying a connection to one or more other users of the social
networking system and including information about the user. The method
additionally includes receiving one or more communications from a
third-party website having a different domain than the social network
system, each message communicating an action taken by a user of the
social networking system on the third-party website. The method
additionally includes logging the actions taken on the third-party
website in the social networking system, each logged action including
information about the action."

Discuss this story at:


| The Nine Circles of IT Hell
| from the have-you-tried-turning-it-off-and-then-on-again dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @13:23 (IT)
| with 95 comments

[0]snydeq writes "Dan Tynan takes us on a tour of [1]the nine circles of
IT hell, a place 'not unlike the underworld described by Dante in his
Divine Comedy.' 'But here, in the data centers, conference rooms, and
cubicles, the IT version of this inferno is no allegory. It is a very
real test of every IT pro's sanity and soul,' Tynan writes. From IT
limbo, to tech lust, to stakeholder gluttony, to tech-pro treachery, the
IT inferno is not buried deep within the earth, it's just down the hall.
'Thankfully, as in Dante's poetic universe, there are ways to escape the
nine circles of IT hell. But IT pros beware: You may have to face your
own devils to do it. Shall we descend?'"

Discuss this story at:


| Hitachi-LG Fined $21M For Price-Fixing Optical Drives
| from the hand-in-the-cookie-jar dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @15:30 (Crime)
| with 83 comments

wiredmikey writes "Hitachi-LG Data Storage, a joint venture between
Hitachi and LG Electronics, has [0]agreed to plead guilty and to pay a
$21.1 million criminal fine for its part in a scheme to rig bids and fix
prices of optical disk drives. According to the Department of Justice,
the company had conspired with others to [1]rig the bidding process on
optical disk drives sold to Dell, HP, and Microsoft. Court documents show
that Dell and HP hosted optical disk drive procurement events in which
bidders would be awarded varying amounts of optical disk drive supply
depending on where their pricing ranked."

Discuss this story at:


| Japan Re-Opens Some Towns Near Fukushima
| from the going-home dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @19:01 (Japan)
| with 81 comments

JSBiff writes "Bloomberg, among others, is reporting that the Japanese
government has [0]partially lifted the Fukushima evacuation order,
allowing residents to return to five towns previously in the evacuation
zone. Additionally, a key milestone has been reached in achieving a full
'cold shutdown' of the damaged reactors ��� the temperature of all three
reactors has [1]dropped below 100 deg. C. It's a shame these people were
unable to return home for six months. For people who lived closer to the
plant, they might never be allowed to return home. Now, the question is:
will residents actually want to return, other than to maybe retrieve
stuff they left behind?"

Discuss this story at:


| HTC Android Backdoor Leaks Private User Data
| from the like-a-sieve dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @11:36 (Android)
| with 77 comments

Trailrunner7 writes "There is a serious security issue with a variety of
HTC Android phones that [0]enables any app with Internet permissions to
access a huge amount of private data on the device, including call logs,
email addresses, SMS messages, last known GPS location and more. The
problem was introduced via an update to the HTC phones that installed a
tool called HTCLogger that collects the data."

Discuss this story at:


| Facebook Adds Malicious Link Protection
| from the click-away-grandma dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @09:33 (Facebook)
| with 75 comments

wiredmikey writes "As any IT security department knows, social networks
pose a significant threat to users across the board as they blindly click
links which often lead to spam or other malicious sites that could result
in malware infection. In a move to further protect users of the world's
largest social networking site, Facebook is adding a new feature to help
protect users from links to these malicious sites. Starting today, when a
Facebook user clicks on a link it will be checked against a database from
Websense in an attempt to [0]determine if the link is malicious. If the
link is determined to be risky, the user will be given the choice to
continue at their own risk, return to the previous screen, or get more
information on why it was flagged as suspicious."

Discuss this story at:


| New Close-Ups of Saturn's Geyser Moon
| from the really-old-really-faithful dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @16:12 (NASA)
| with 72 comments

[0]sighted writes "Over the weekend, the robotic spacecraft Cassini
[1]buzzed Saturn's moon Enceladus and its intriguing geysers. Cassini
flew just 62 miles above the moon's surface ��� and right through its jets
of water vapor and ice ��� both capturing pictures and 'tasting' the geyser
plumes. Cassini makes another pass by Enceladus later this month. Even
more pictures can be seen in the [2]stream of raw images sent by the

Discuss this story at:


| 3 Share Nobel Prize In Medicine For Immune System Work
| from the good-doctors dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @08:53 (Medicine)
| with 71 comments

alphadogg writes "This year's Nobel Laureates have [0]revolutionized our
understanding of the immune system by discovering key principles for its
activation. Scientists have long been searching for the gatekeepers of
the immune response by which man and other animals defend themselves
against attack by bacteria and other microorganisms. Bruce Beutler and
Jules Hoffmann discovered receptor proteins that can recognize such
microorganisms and activate innate immunity, the first step in the body's
immune response. Ralph Steinman discovered the dendritic cells of the
immune system and their unique capacity to activate and regulate adaptive
immunity, the later stage of the immune response during which
microorganisms are cleared from the body."

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| World's Most Powerful Telescope Begins Search For Origin of the Universe
| from the where-the-sidewalk-ends dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @10:55 (Space)
| with 71 comments

[0]MrSeb writes "The largest astronomical installation in the world is
now operational. ALMA, or [1]the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, is a
vast radio telescope made out of 66 12- and 7-meter dish antennae
situated 5,000m above sea level, in Chile. Its purpose is to seek out new
life and new civilizations and to boldly go where no telescope has gone
before. But no, seriously: its job is to peer into the past and
investigate ancient stars and nebulae, peer at exoplanets that might
support human (or alien) life, and hopefully [2]learn more about
interstellar creation and destruction. For now only 20 out of 66 antennae
are in place, but when it is complete ��� late next year ��� it will have a
resolving power far greater than Hubble, according to the European Space
Observatory (ESO) that operates ALMA."

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| Children Helped Decorate Prehistoric Caves of France
| from the could've-been-circus-folk dept.
| posted by timothy on Sunday October 02, @21:35 (Science)
| with 69 comments

sciencehabit writes "Among the prolific paintings and other art in the 8
kilometer-long Rouffignac cave system in southwestern France are a number
of unusual markings known as finger flutings, which are made by people
dragging their hands through the soft silt that lines the cave's walls.
By analyzing the finger flutings of modern humans, researchers discovered
that the ratio of the distance between the three middle fingers indicate
that [0]many of the cave artists were very young children, one as young
as 2 or 3 years old. The researchers were also able to tell the
children's genders from the shape of the fingers."

Discuss this story at:


| BerliOS Software Repository Will Close At Year's End
| from the that's-too-bad dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday October 03, @03:24 (Software)
| with 61 comments

An anonymous reader writes with some sad news from Germany, as posted on
the [0]BerliOS front page, and sent by email to developers as well. An
excerpt: "As an European, non-proprietary project BerliOS pursued the
goal to support the various open-source players and provide a neutral
mediator function. In 2011 over 4710 projects have been hosted on
BerliOS, with 50,000 registered users and over 2.6 million file downloads
each month. We are proud that with BerliOS we have brought the idea of an
OSS repository to Europe. Meanwhile, the concept has prevailed and there
are many good alternatives. Unfortunately, as a research institute
Fraunhofer FOKUS has only few opportunities to operate a repository like
BerliOS. Such a project will only work with a follow-up financing, or
with sponsors or partners taking over the repository. In the field of OSS
this is a difficult undertaking. In a recent survey the community
indicated some support in funds and manpower which we would like to thank
you for. Unfortunately, the result is not enough to put the project on a
sustainable financial basis. In addition the search for sponsors or
partners was unsuccessful. ... As a developer, you should export your
BerliOS project into another repository." BerliOS is slated to close on
December 31st.

Discuss this story at:


| NASA, Google Award $1.35M For Ultra-Efficient Electric Aircraft
| from the earning-green-by-being-green dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @18:18 (Transportation)
| with 56 comments

[0]coondoggie writes "NASA today awarded what it called [1]the largest
prize in aviation history to a company that flew their aircraft [2]200
miles in less than two hours on less than one gallon of fuel or electric
equivalent. Their aircraft is the Taurus G4 by The
[3]twin fuselage motor glider features a 145 kW electric motor,
lithium-ion batteries, and retractable landing gear."

Discuss this story at:


| Rhapsody To Acquire Napster
| from the should-they-call-it-napsody-or-rhapster dept.
| posted by Soulskill on Monday October 03, @16:52 (Businesses)
| with 52 comments

[0]tekgoblin writes "Earlier today Rhapsody, the biggest premium
on-demand music service in the U.S., [1]announced that they would be
acquiring Napster and finalizing the purchase of the company by the end
of November. Best Buy, a huge global name in consumer electronics retail,
is the current owner of Napster. Best Buy will only be keeping a minority
stake after the sale of the company, while [2]Rhapsody will acquire all
Napster subscribers and additional assets."

Discuss this story at:


| UK To Get &pound;50m Graphene Research Hub
| from the let-the-experiments-begin dept.
| posted by samzenpus on Monday October 03, @11:58 (United Kingdom)
| with 36 comments

[0]twoheadedboy writes "The UK Government has made a big commitment to
the development of the 'wonder material' graphene, the most likely
candidate to replace silicon in computing chips in the future. [1]A ��50
million Graphene Global Research and Technology Hub was announced by
Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne. It is hoped the facility will
help commercialize graphene. The University of Manchester, where the
material was discovered, welcomed the announcement and will be one of the
possible locations of the hub. Right now, universities will be getting
ready to apply for their chance to host the graphene hub."

Discuss this story at:


| Australia Reviews Tier-Two Software Patents
| from the gee-fellas-this-might-be-worth-rethinking dept.
| posted by timothy on Monday October 03, @03:38 (Australia)
| with 11 comments

An anonymous reader writes "Australia may [0]consider excluding software
from its second-tier patent system to better align the system with those
of trading partners like Japan and Korea. A Government review has raised
concerns that it may be difficult to justify Australia's low requirements
for software innovation patents. The public consultation period for the
review closes on 14 October."

Discuss this story at:


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